Friday, December 11, 2009

the side we are blind to...

Last night my husband and I went to see "The Blind Side" with several friends after a birthday dinner.  I told everyone moments before walking in that I was sure I would end up crying at one point during the movie.  Never did I imagine that I would be wiping tears periodically throughout the entire movie.

I won't go into details and spoil anything for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, but I was in awe of how much I take for granted and how fortunate I am.  I was in disbelief that there are those who don't always have friends to sit with at school, who don't have clothes that smell just like dryer sheets when you put them on, and those who don't even a bed to crawl into each night.  I was heartbroken...heartbroken that there are situations in which children are torn from their parents because their parents endanger them and those endangerments continue without the blink of an eye.

I cannot really explain how this movie moved me.  My heart would ache, but would turn around and almost burst with happiness.  I haven't stopped talking about it since the credits rolled.  It has made me want to make a difference somehow....I don't exactly know how, but there has been a strong tug at a heartstring and it cannot be ignored.


  1. Ohh...I'm so excited. I need to see this then... :D

  2. i cant wait to see this movie!! oh im so excited! thanks for posting a great post on it!!

  3. I love that movie!! You should try reading the book. The parts about football might be a little boring. But, still, great story!

  4. I must agree with you. I wanted to be her! I forgot about the part where no one had read to him before, my goodness the simple things that make life that much more wonderful!

  5. thanks for sharing! now I want to see it even more!

  6. I can't wait to see this movie. I'm reading the book right now and its soooo good so I can't wait to see the movie

  7. Best movie I have seen in a while!
    Sandra Bullock looked FAB in this her!
