Wednesday, December 16, 2009

left, left, left, right, left.

Sometimes I feel like things in life are regimented.  You know the silly directions on shampoo that say "Lather. Rinse. Repeat."?  That's what I feel like from time to time.  Wake up early, go to work, run errands, come home, do things around the house, go to bed, repeat.  Don't get me wrong, I know this is the typical day for most adults, but sometimes I suffer from such a "blah" feeling from it.  I stare mindlessly at files at work and think I'd rather be doing laundry, but then I get home and start to tackle that laundry only to find that it sets off a chain reaction to more loads...and then I notice those spots on the mirror....which turns into looking at the sink....and before I know it I've got a to do list that I can't accomplish before I crawl in bed.  I hope being off work for Christmas and the week after will allow me to manage my to do lists.  

And it always seems as though that the days that I feel so blah and overwhelmed undoubtedly turn into the days where I look in the mirror and don't seem to like what I see.  But that's a completely different can of worms...and something I need so badly to work on, but don't know where to reach within myself to accomplish it.  

I have always been a fan of the movie "The Bucket List"& sometimes when I am feeling low, it makes me daydream about my list....which includes, but is not limited to, *have my picture taken under the Welcome to Las Vegas sign, *see Michael Bublé in concert, *cook an entire meal for my family without worrying through everyone's bites and chewing if it's good or not, *visit a winery, *adopt a dog from an animal shelter,  and I won't bore you with the rest ;)   Is there anything you just know without a doubt you want to do someday??

Friday, December 11, 2009

the side we are blind to...

Last night my husband and I went to see "The Blind Side" with several friends after a birthday dinner.  I told everyone moments before walking in that I was sure I would end up crying at one point during the movie.  Never did I imagine that I would be wiping tears periodically throughout the entire movie.

I won't go into details and spoil anything for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, but I was in awe of how much I take for granted and how fortunate I am.  I was in disbelief that there are those who don't always have friends to sit with at school, who don't have clothes that smell just like dryer sheets when you put them on, and those who don't even a bed to crawl into each night.  I was heartbroken...heartbroken that there are situations in which children are torn from their parents because their parents endanger them and those endangerments continue without the blink of an eye.

I cannot really explain how this movie moved me.  My heart would ache, but would turn around and almost burst with happiness.  I haven't stopped talking about it since the credits rolled.  It has made me want to make a difference somehow....I don't exactly know how, but there has been a strong tug at a heartstring and it cannot be ignored.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Love is....

Don't go through the holidays without it!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ornaments = Overjoyed!

I love to get a text saying, "there's a package that came for you today".  I got this text yesterday and knew immediately that it was my ornament from the ornament swap with Tale of a GRITS!  Unfortunately, I had several stops to make after work and knew it would be awhile before I was able to open my surprise.  When I finally got home, I was so eager to see what this fellow blogging gal had in store for me.  She exceeded my expectations for sure!

With not one....

Not two....

But THREE ornaments!

And she also added these goodies in too!

Magic reindeer food!  How cute is that?!

Needless to say I am very appreciative and excited about the new additions!  Tale of a GRITS...thank you so much and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy your ornaments too!  They should be there tomorrow :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bonjour December!

I have to admit that I am thrilled that December has crept up on me!  I adore going home and turning the Christmas tree lights on, turning the overhead lights off, curling up with my Snuggie (yes, I said Snuggie), sipping on coffee with Baileys or a cup of hot cider, and just taking in all the Christmas vibe that surrounds me and letting go of all of the stress of the day.  My tree has been up for 2 weeks and I think I have decided I will never wait until the day after Thanksgiving again!  I signed up for an ornament exchange and this fabulous blogger and I were paired as partners to exchange!  She shipped mine yesterday and hers is going out today....I can't wait to see mine and hear her reaction to hers!  Just reason 39305789 why I love Christmas time!

Thanksgiving was truly wonderful.  I thoroughly enjoyed my first Thanksgiving as a wife!  We had a wonderful dinner at my Uncle's house, went shopping on Black Friday, went to Tunica for a little slot machine time, ate amazing ribs at the famous Rendezvous, saw The Rockettes and their Christmas Spectacular, and went out to Beale Street!  We had a blast.  My cousin Megan and I are so close so I always enjoy time I get to spend with her, especially since we are about 5 hours away from each other.

Megan and I in downtown Memphis.

Our Black Friday purchase at home in our bedroom.

Me with my Mom and Grandmother @ Rendezvous.

Right before stuffing ourselves at Thanksgiving dinner.

Well, I am going back to looking at my overwhelming Christmas list of gifts for others.  I am SO behind.  My calendar continually fills up and I wonder when I will ever get this shopping done?!  Have a great first day of December!