And it always seems as though that the days that I feel so blah and overwhelmed undoubtedly turn into the days where I look in the mirror and don't seem to like what I see. But that's a completely different can of worms...and something I need so badly to work on, but don't know where to reach within myself to accomplish it.
I have always been a fan of the movie "The Bucket List"& sometimes when I am feeling low, it makes me daydream about my list....which includes, but is not limited to, *have my picture taken under the Welcome to Las Vegas sign, *see Michael Bublé in concert, *cook an entire meal for my family without worrying through everyone's bites and chewing if it's good or not, *visit a winery, *adopt a dog from an animal shelter, and I won't bore you with the rest ;) Is there anything you just know without a doubt you want to do someday??